Our BR Basket of Blooms is the perfect arrangement to adorn your table this Spring. Seasonally hand picked blooms, greenery, and textural elements designed in a small wicker brown basket. A modern and fresh take on basket blooms.
Each arrangement will include seasonal varieties such as snap dragons, stock, delphinium, daffodils, ranunculus, lisianthus, tulips and more. All based on availability and time of year. Color palette will be hues of light blues, ivories, yellows, blush hues, peach, and lilac tones.
Our Basket of Blooms is designed with sustainability in mind. Most basket designs use floral foam, which is very toxic to us and mother nature, it breaks down into tiny micro plastics. We use Agara Wool, the sustainable alternative to single use plastic foam. Made from basalt wool with plant based, + starch binders. Simply toss the agra wool after and wash out the plastic liner in your basket to reuse over and over.
Keep your basket to use for next season!